Thursday, January 19, 2012


しずかたでしたが、たのしかたでした。うち(Wilmington, Delaware)へかえりました。いちがつここのかにボソトにいきました。わたしのともだち、Alexa, Tom,とGer,ボソトンにすんでいます。

Alexa and I both write for, a video game news site that is based here in New York. We also both do コスプラ、and dress up as characters from anime, manga, and video games. (She's the Yuna I posted about awhile back.) わたしたいちFinal Fantasyがすきですか。For Anime Boston (a convention in February) we, along with a bunch of our friends, are cosplaying from both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy IX. わたしわLaniとYujです。

Laniのアクスおつくりました。Well, we started it. Also, I finished the coat for Tom's character, Snow Villiers.ハンドソムですね?とてもにぎやかです。